Ooops I did it again … took my time pulling another blog post together!
Here we are halfway through October already, and I am only just sharing my wrap up of September.
There seems to be a lot of updates and pictures of kitties, as you will see!
1 September – Great night out with a friend, dinner and dancing – we saw an INXS tribute band at a nearby pub.
2 September – A mostly quiet Saturday though I did do some grocery shopping. In the evening we watched the fireworks from “Redfest” from our back deck … we used to have two local festivals, the Redlands Show in June/July, and the Strawberry Festival in September. However several years ago these two events amalgamated to become Redfest.
3 September – We went for a bush walk with our daughter and checked out some new trails.
4 September – Woke up to a clap of thunder – what a way to start the working week! The weather was very unsettled all day.
5 September – I straightened my hair and couldn’t work out why one section was a bit frizzy – turns out that’s the area with the most greys! Thanks to Miss 26 for the pics 😉
6 September – It’s official – I’m the new Vice President of my BNI group! Just what I needed – more work 😉 . I’m pictured here with (L to R) the incoming Secretary/Treasurer, Linda from Evisory, and President, Janet from Bizzness Buddy.
7 September – After work the husbear and I went to see the Lightscape exhibition in the City Botanic Gardens. Simply magical!
8 September – Miss 26 took us to the Lighthouse Cafe at Cleveland Point for an early morning coffee.
9 September –Â Happy 10th Birthday to my little rascal, the Princess Diva Puss Kitty herself, that fabulous feline Miss Fleur!
10 September – Spent the day at our weekender on Coochiemudlo Island. How amazing is this azalea in our yard which is in full bloom?!
11 September – The fallout continues from our daughter’s marriage breakup, her two kitties Maisy and Egg have come to live with us. Luckily the husbear has installed a concertina door in the upstairs hallway so Miss 26 has her own “suite” of rooms – a bedroom, a lounge room, bathroom and toilet – so we can keep the cats separate from ours. Fleur and Seth barely tolerate each other, bringing two more into the mix would be a recipe for disaster – even if they are little cuties!

12 September – Lots of excitement today with a photo shoot for the Front Page SEO team. It’s the first time I’ve met Shaheeda in person (we all work from home and she lives on the other side of Brisbane)! We had a lot of fun getting into the spirit of things at Capalaba Produce, an ideal setting for our western themed shoot!
13 September – Seth does his best impression of a loaf of bread.
14 September –
15 September – Miss 26 left today for a two week Contiki tour of Europe, all part of her recovery process. (And as is typical of most women following a breakup, she’s done something different with her hair – check out the pink at the front!) Here she is giving Maisy a cuddle goodbye.
We had a new air conditioner installed in her bedroom.
16 September – Today we visited my parents for afternoon tea; then went out for dinner with Mr 29 and his wife.
17 September – Miss 26 is sharing her location with me on her phone – check this out – she’s on the boat from Dover to France!
18 September – We’re looking after Maisy and Egg while our daughter is away. Egg is very shy and mostly hides under the bed or the couch, while Maisy laps up any attention. Egg is getting braver though, she actually stayed on the bed while I was there!
19 September – Great session with my DIY SEO HQ group online today – as you can see they’re all smiles 🙂
20 September – Finished reading a great book, the story was based around the TV show The Bachelor.
21 September – Visited a local business group for breakfast (yes, I do a lot of networking!).
22 September – The husbear left for an overnight visit to a cousin who lives in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. I snapped this pic as he drove away.
23 September – I went and visited my sis on the other side of town. Her dog, Willow, was recovering from a small op to remove a growth near her eye.
24 September –
25 September – We haven’t had rain in ages – Seth is showing us how dead our back lawn is!
26 September – Mr 29 dropped in after work for a quick visit. Look how sad Seth looked when his Dad had to leave!
27 September – My turn to be the feature presenter at BNI! I spoke on how the internet is a bit like the wild Wild West … but the rewards can be great if we get our SEO right! (PS Can you tell I speak with my hands a lot!)
28 September – Breakfast at another BNI chapter, followed by my fortnightly business mastermind group. And – very excited to welcome our daughter home from her trip to Europe!
29 September – Miss 26 came home bearing gifts … this is Gretel from Munich; and she also gave me some nougat from Italy. I love nougat but this was definitely NOT what we were expecting – it was rock hard! I’m used to nougat that is soft and chewy.
30 September – Ahhhh, another magical weekend at Coochie. Check out this spectacular sunset over the jetty!
It’s a rather appropriate picture actually, as the sun sets on this particular blog post!
What interested you the most in the September edition of “A Sentence A Day”?!
A very belated Happy Purr-Day to the beautiful Miss Fleur xx