Hello friends, and welcome to another edition of A Sentence A Day from the wonderful world of Janetti Spaghetti.
2023 is marching on (excuse the pun!), how can we be a quarter of the way through this year already.
March is the first month of Autumn here, but the weather certainly had other ideas – we had some of the hottest days so far this year. Looking forward to things cooling down and not having to run the air conditioning constantly …
1 March – Up before the sun to go to my weekly BNI group. Is it worth it? Well, since I joined at the start of November my business has received nearly $7 000 worth of business through the group – so I’m going to say YES! Plus I love meeting up with like-minded business owners, and am always learning new things.
2 March – Can you tell the husbear made the bed today?!
3 March – I think we’ve been watching too much “Married at First Sight” (MAFS) – hubby left this on my desk (and it’s now pinned to the wall above my computer LOL)
4 March – The husbear and I went clay pigeon shooting with my BNI group; we’d never been shooting before. The husbear was quite skilled at it; I was hopeless, and only managed to hit one target out of 30 attempts!
5 March – Time for some yard work; and my tumble dryer died 🙁 .
6 March – The husbear has a really sore ear, he wonders if the ear plugs we wore shooting might have caused it as he also feels that his hearing is blocked. No, the husbear is not smoking in the pic below … we tried ear candling to clear it but it didn’t help.
7 March – Poor old hubby is still feeling half deaf and has a painful ear so tried to book into a doctor – would you believe he can’t get an appointment for a week and a half?! Anybody would think we live out in the sticks rather than a capital city! Our own doctor is booked out, and any others he called weren’t seeing new patients. The healthcare system in this country is stuffed.
8 March – Enjoyed an eggs benedict breakfast after my BNI meeting this morning, while I had a catch-up with another member.
9 March – I think there’s something wrong with the weather radar, it said it was raining – but there wasn’t a drop to be seen!
10 March – Finished my latest puzzle, a picture of Paris. Would love to see it in real life one of these days!
11 March – This evening we went out with my folks for a tapas dinner, before we saw a David Bowie tribute at the Redland Performing Arts Centre – a great night!
12 March – My folks slept over, so we had brunch out on the deck 🙂 .
13 March – I’m not gonna lie, MAFS is pretty trashy TV but sooo addictive. It’s not all bad though, each episode seems to stimulate deep and meaningful conversations between the husbear and I! Oh, and I took this silly selfie 😉 .
14 March – I’m planning to hold an SEO workshop in early May, so today I checked out a potential venue: Craft Brew House. Looks good!
15 March – One of the benefits of the husbear working from home each Wednesday and Thursday is that he tends to take on the cooking – stuffed capsicums for lunch – yummy! In the evening I caught up with friends at an informal business networking event at The Bench.
16 March – My regular fortnightly business networking group, followed by a quick grocery shop. Fleur got in trouble for clawing the couch, so sulked in her bed.
17 March – I’m such a rebel – instead of wearing green on St Patrick’s Day, I wore RED! And – finished this puzzle.
18 March – Miss 26 and her hubby and their dog Rufus came over for a visit – I bribed them with lasagne and chocolate mousse for dinner, LOL.
19 March – The husbear and I caught the ferry from Victoria Point over to Coochie – snapped this great pic of the island. We went for a swim to escape the afternoon heat (it was low tide, so a challenge to find a decent spot but we managed!)
20 March – Spent most of the day interviewing (via Zoom) for a new team member. Some very strong contenders!
21 March –
22 March – Just as I was finishing work for the day, I received a text from my team member Lisa’s husband to say that she had passed away earlier that day. (You may remember “somebody” was diagnosed with terminal cancer in my last Sentence a Day post. That “somebody”, sadly, was Lisa). Absolutely devastated.
23 March – My fortnightly mastermind group. We had a quick photo session afterwards!
24 March – My regular Friday morning session with my PT.
25 March – A trip to the library to borrow some more books (I go through about 2 a week!). In the evening the husbear and I watched “Beast” on Netflix, a horror movie about a lion going rogue (his choice not mine!!!).
26 March – We went to A Day on the Green at Sirromet Winery, where we got to see Jon Stevens (ex lead singer from Noiseworks / INXS), Cyndi Lauper, and Rod Stewart – the kids gave us the tickets for Christmas. The weather wasn’t great – at one stage during the afternoon we were huddled under our picnic blanket because of the rain. Then when the rain stopped it was incredibly hot and humid! Worth it though!!!
27 March – The husbear worked from home today (Monday) and made vegetable and bacon soup for dinner – soooo good!
28 March – The husbear installed a new light bulb in the family room, so now we can enjoy mood lighting – we can now dim the lights, or even choose different colours! What can I say, the husbear is fascinated with gadgets …
29 March – In January I appointed an SEO Specialist to my team, Dean – today was the first time we met in real life, when he came along to my BNI meeting.
30 March – A great day – appointed my new team member so they’ll be starting next week! And, got the go ahead from a new client, always a good feeling 🙂 . After work we did a bit of shopping and came home with a new cat scratching post, I think Fleur approves 😉 .
31 March – I took the day off work; Emma (one of my team members) and I attended Lisa’s funeral. A lovely celebration of a life that ended way too soon 🙁 .
Losing Lisa was definitely the low point of my month; while the highlight was a tie between having Miss 26 and her hubby visit, and going to A Day on the Green.
So tell me – what was the highlight and the lowlight of your March?