Hello and welcome to another edition of A Sentence A Day here at Janetti Spaghetti!
Miss 24 thinks I should have a photo for each day of the month, and while it’s a great idea in theory, the reality is it ain’t gonna happen for a couple of reasons:
- Some days there just isn’t anything worth taking a photo of – I struggle to even come up with a sentence!
- And there are also those occasions when I would rather be ‘in the moment’ than fussing about taking photos.
Still, I shall make a point of trying to take more photos to go with my Sentence A Day posts, and we will see how it goes!
1 March – The husbear has taken some time off to visit his folks as his dad is quite poorly; he ended up staying overnight.
2 March – I wasn’t sure when the husbear was coming home; when I texted him late in the afternoon, he replied with a photo of a jam donut – what a tease! But hang on a sec … isn’t that the bakery just up the road from our place?! Yep, he was just 2 mins away and had stopped to buy a treat to surprise me 🙂 !
3 March – When work is crazy busy, cooking dinner takes a back seat so we went to Red Rooster – we really know how to pull all the stops out on date night LOL.
4 March – This morning I presented at two different sessions for The Local Business Network – my voice was quite worn out by lunch time! Another night off from cooking, this time we walked to our local Taco Bell.
5 March – Eating out is getting to be a habit! Tonight we had dinner at Miss 24’s.
6 March – I still had some credit left on the voucher Mr 26 gave me for Christmas so I was able to enjoy another luxurious massage, followed by a trip to the library.
7 March – A Sunday outing to Bunnings with the family and I bought a new petunia for the patio.
8 March – Headed down the Gold Coast to meet up with a couple of my clients – met this cutie at their offices!
9 March – My local yoga and pilates studio hosts a guest speaker each month, tonight I went to hear about the topic “Your Business is a 3D printout of your mind”. So true!
10 March – I squeezed in a trip to the hairdresser in the morning for a long overdue trim (it’s been 3 months) … wish I could get it to look this good when I do it!
11 March – When it rains, the worms come out – we found dozens all over the patio. Ewww!
12 March – Finished my latest puzzle – with 1500 pieces (instead of the usual 1000) this one took me a couple of weeks!
13 March – A trip to Toowoomba and then Stanthorpe to visit some relatives.
14 March – What a way to spend a Sunday 🙁 . I had a killer headache; I think it may have been caused by my neck, after sitting in the car for roughly 7 hours yesterday?
15 March – Miss 24 had a procedure done today, we waited by the phone til late afternoon to hear that all went well and she was in the recovery ward. She posted this snap on her Instagram:
16 March – After work we visited Miss 24 at home to see how she was doing, and took her some flowers.
17 March – The husbear is such a softie, he pulled out the filing drawer between our work stations and popped a cushion on top – a throne fit for a Princess-Diva-Puss-Kitty!
18 March – My fortnightly business mastermind group, got a great idea for a new lead magnet for my website (now just to find the time to create it!)
19 March – The husbear and I celebrated the end of the working week with a walk; the delicious smell of wood-fired pizza lured us in, and we may have taken one home!
20 March – I’d always wanted to go indoor rock climbing, and today my awesome personal trainer friend Sally organised for a group of middle aged mamas to do just that. I’m glad I did it but have to say it’s a lot harder than it looks – don’t know that I’ll be rushing back to try it again 😉 .
21 March – Miss 24 bought me a warm fuzzy – a paint by numbers kit from Kmart – and she had one as well, so today we got busy painting 🙂 .
22 March – It was pouring rain when I drove Miss 24 to the hospital for another procedure; due to coronavirus restrictions, I could only drop her off (her fiance picked her up afterwards).
23 March – Big rains today, husbear and I went for a walk after work to see how the local creek was looking.
24 March – After work, we popped in to see how our girl was doing.
25 March – I will be doing a couple of presentations next month (one face-to-face – coronavirus permitting – and one online) so today I worked on them.
26 March – Today I was delighted to be the guest of one of my lovely clients, Felicity (a wedding and funeral celebrant) at the International Women’s Day Charity High Tea at the Stamford Plaza, with guest speakers Dame Quentin Bryce (former Governor-General of Australia) and Nina Schrinner (Lady Mayoress of Brisbane).
27 March – Miss 24 and I did a spot of op shopping and then got our Easter craft on!
28 March – Mr 26 spent the day with us, and did some study (he is doing his Masters’ in financial planning, part-time). Think he must have been on a study break when I took the pic below!
29 March – After more than a year of working from home thanks to coronavirus, the husbear headed into the office for his first day back … but as luck would have it, there’s been a cluster of cases here in Brisbane and so he had to come home early as we were plunged back into lockdown from 5pm!
30 March – I had my personal training session online today.
31 March – I’m hear to tell you that a virtual PT session is just as much of a workout – my quads are killing me today after all the squats I did yesterday. Going down the stairs in particular is agony!
Now that you’ve had a chance to read through this post and check out the photos – what do you think? Would you like to see more photos?!
I enjoyed the photos! I’m in my second year of the 1SE app, where you take a picture or one second video every day. At the end of the year, you have a 365 second video! I just realized I haven’t done much in the past week though, so I’ll have to go through and get caught up. I hope your Miss 24 is doing well – I believe our girls are close in age? My Miss 24 will be Miss 25 next month.
Glad you like the photos Denise! I think my Miss 24 (who will be 25 in November) has the 1SE app, if I wasn’t already doing this I’d probably do that one too. Both our girls were born in ’96 then 😉 .