Well! After the kidults took me to task for writing such a “lame” (their words not mine!) post for A Sentence A Day last month, I’d better make gosh-darn sure that this one meets with their approval.
Pressure much?!
1 November – Several work colleagues had recommended the series “Maid” on Netflix to the husbear, so we settled in for a bit of binge watching after work. Except – we both found it too triggering, and decided to give it a miss after only two episodes. (It deals with domestic and family abuse; in particular I found the mother character played by Andie McDowall, hit just a little too close to home).
2 November – I rarely nap on work days, but today I was overcome with weariness after lunch so curled up on the couch in my office (with Fleur resting on the back) for half an hour. It’s amazing how refreshing a few quick zzz’s can be!
3 November – The husbear and I watched a fascinating program “Michael Palin in North Korea”, a country that is usually closed off to the outside world.
4 November – I’m in the process of recruiting a part-time assistant, and conducted 3 (out of a total of 5) interviews via Zoom today – my first experience of being on the employer side of things. Some applicants seemed to know just what to say, while others were less confident and gave me less to work with. It’s going to be very hard to choose just one! In the evening the husbear and I made a start on our Christmas shopping …
5 November – Caught up with a dear friend over coffee and cake, it’s been ages. Perhaps once I have more help in my business I’ll be able to do this more often!
6 November – Hit the shops with my two beautiful kidults!
7 November – The husbear and I finally picked out some floor tiles for the front porch. It’s only been 3 years since we moved in, you can’t hurry these things you know!
8 November – Over the weekend my wrists were quite sore, and today the husbear noticed they were actually swollen. I did a heap of mopping and scrubbing about a week ago so this is official proof: housework is bad for you!
9 November – My new swimmers arrived! And, the kids managed to talk the husbear into joining Instagram. (He’s on Facebook but never uses it). Oh dear, now I’ll have to be more careful about what I post there! 😉
10 November – The husbear had a mate over for dinner so we had a BBQ; afterwards we started watching another Netflix series, “Squid Game”.
11 November – Our gas hot water system is being temperamental – the poor husbear has had 3 cold showers this week! It’s been fine for me though 😉 .
12 November – I was supposed to catch up with a client over Zoom, but they didn’t show up. I got bored while I was waiting and took a selfie. They were profusely apologetic when they realised later in the day, but it’s okay – I’ve done it myself and in fact now check my calendar first thing each morning and set an alarm for 10 minutes before any Zoom meetings so I don’t forget!
13 November – Did some yard work much to the delight of this friendly butcher bird. (If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen the video on my stories of his delightful song)
14 November – Such a glorious day! The husbear and I went for a walk along the waterfront.
15 November – Our house backs onto the last acreage property in our suburb, and they have three sheep. This morning I was tickled pink to notice one of them had two cute li’l black lambs!
16 November – Mr 27 and Seth are famous! I saw a callout on Source Bottle a couple of weeks’ ago for people whose employer hadn’t paid their superannuation, and I passed it on to our son as I knew this had happened to him – he was interviewed, and today the story ran on a national news website. Wonder if it will help with getting things sorted out, now the employer has been named and shamed?!
17 November – I made chilli con carne for dinner but it wasn’t until it was too late that I realised I didn’t have a tin of baked beans to add to the mix. It was pretty bland and boring 🙁
18 November – The husbear and I headed out to Carindale for a bit of Christmas and birthday shopping (our girl has a birthday on the weekend!). Snapped this selfie while waiting for the husbear in the food court.
19 November – It’s always a good day when I sign up a new monthly client! In the evening we were going to put our Christmas tree up but collapsed on the couch and watched some more Squid Games instead.
20 November – Dinner at the Spaghetti House Trattoria at Southbank to celebrate our girl’s 25th birthday!
21 November – We finished watching Squid Games, and put our Christmas tree up.
22 November – Picked up a couple of things from the dry cleaner, and couldn’t resist taking a photo of these stunning geraniums out the front. And, my two new assistants started! Yep, you read that right. I found it too hard to choose so ended up putting on two 😉 .
23 November – I had a lovely surprise today – this gift box arrived from a copywriting colleague on the NSW north coast. It was a thank you as I referred a client to her earlier this year, when I couldn’t take on any more work (now you know why I need assistance!).
24 November – I manage to read one or two novels a week; today I finished a really good book called “Death and other Happy Endings”. 5 stars!
25 November – The festive season is in full swing! Had a lovely time at the Women’s Network Australia Christmas Charity Luncheon – AND I won a Clarins gift pack worth over $1000, to top it all off!
26 November – My lovely personal trainer has gone on maternity leave, so it’s up to me now to stay fit and strong on my own … like that’s gonna happen, LOL. So just like I promised my PT, I went to my first ever pilates class, and actually enjoyed it.
27 November – Yeah, I got muscles aching in my abdomen that I didn’t know I had. Pilates looks gentle but it really is a workout! Great for balance and core strength. Here’s a silly selfie of the husbear and I after we’d just come in from doing some yard work.
28 November – Out for a Sunday drive and we stopped for an icy treat.
29 November – The husbear has convinced me to grow my hair (what is it with men and long hair?!). I’m not sure, but I haven’t managed to get to the hairdresser since June so it just happened anyway 🙂 . I wear my hair up most of the time so am happy to humour him for the moment, although today I finally got a trim.
30 November – My first ever reformer pilates class this morning and I very quickly decided it was NOT for me. It involves a gadget called a reformer … and let’s just say me and gadgets don’t go together. Think I’ll stick to mat pilates from now on!
So there you have it, November in a nutshell.
And to those naughty kidults of mine – I think this edition of A Sentence A Day deserves an A+, don’t you?!
This is the best sentence a day post ever! Love all the pictures and extra details 🙂 November looked like a wonderful month.
Wow – what a great month!
Enjoyed your sentence a day and the pictures.