It’s spring, the season of celebration, and there was certainly a lot going on during September for the Spaghetti household!
1 September – After work I headed to the Wellington Point Farmhouse (restaurant and fresh produce market) for a gathering of the Redland Women in Business. Bumped into an old workmate from over ten years ago and had a good natter!
2 September – We finally got some pendant lights installed over the kitchen counter, yay!
3 September – My first ever Riverfire experience – thanks to our hospitable almost-in-laws, we had an awesome view from their apartment, as you can see …
4 September – Lovely to see so many members of the family gathered at my Dad’s house for afternoon tea on Father’s Day (only some of the group pictured).
5 September – Oh dear, it looks like Miss Fleur has claimed one of the husbear’s Father’s Day pressies from the kids – his new fishing chair!
6 September – Miss 25 sent some pics to me of some beautiful formal wear in Myers in the city – she knows I’m on the hunt for something special for Mr 28’s upcoming wedding. Looks like a trip to town might be in order!
7 September – It’s Whiskers Wednesday, brought to you by Fleur 😉 .
8 September – Got a phone call today that the husbear is all booked in for his hernia op in a couple of weeks’ time (he has both an inguinal, and a femoral – the more dangerous type – of hernia). In the evening I did my nails, and took up the hem on the dress I’d bought for the bridal shower / hen’s party on the weekend … it was very late when I finished, so as I gathered everything up to head upstairs, I accidentally dropped the bottle of nail strengthener which shattered. Needless to say it was very VERY late by the time I finished cleaning that mess up … here’s a pic of my slippers, they came off second best …
9 September – Woke up to the news that the Queen had died; truly the end of an era. Even the weather was in mourning, grey skies and rain all day.
10 September – A very special day! Bridal shower followed by dinner at Cloudland for our almost daughter-in-law 🙂 .
11 September – We spent the day at Coochie where hubby was busy replacing the screens on the porch.
12 September – We popped over to drop something off at Miss 25’s place, I’m feeling a bit sad as they have just bought a new house on acreage a lot further out of the city so it won’t be as easy to just drop in anymore 🙁 (hence my post about the next stage of the empty nest). When will I get cuddles of my gorgeous grandkitties?!
13 September – Just a regular workday so thought I’d show you what the husbear brought home from Toowoomba on Saturday, where he and his sister have been busy packing up their parents’ house to get it ready for sale. It’s a gorgeous ring that his mother had once said that I would like. We’re not sure if it’s a topaz, a citrine, or even an orange sapphire, but I love it regardless!
14 September – Went to a breakfast meeting of a BNI group that meets near the CBD, and have found myself seriously thinking about joining (I know, I don’t know who I am anymore either!). In the evening we went out for dinner with all the kids to celebrate our almost-daughter-in-law’s birthday, and I had a caramel popcorn cocktail! Afterwards we checked out some of the art installations at South Bank as part of the Brisbane Festival.
15 September – The husbear works from home every Thursday and I do enjoy having his company; today we sat outside to have a cuppa, something I never do when it’s just me.
16 September – We watched a horror movie on Netflix (not my choice clearly!) about some people stuck in an elevator …
17 September – Mr 28 came over and we walked to the local op shop, where I bought a couple of novels.
18 September – Met up with my sister in the city, we had lunch at the Shingle Inn in City Hall (chicken and mushroom lasagne, mmmmm), and then took in the Margot McKinney jewellery exhibition at the Museum of Brisbane. While we were there we both signed the condolence books for the Queen. Afterwards she helped me try on some potential Mother of the Groom dresses at Myer and David Jones.
19 September – I made spaghetti for dinner and was very proud of myself, I actually managed to open a jar of pasta sauce all by myself!!! (Hooray for Google lol).
20 September – You can tell when things are a bit quiet I find my sentence a day is usually about food. Today I made sweet potato fries in the air fryer, which we had with sour cream and chilli sauce, so yummy.
21 September – Breakfast is served for Seth 😉 .
22 September – It was a national day of mourning for the Queen; though public holidays don’t tend to mean much when you have your own business, yep, I worked most of the day. In the evening I made some more progress on the carousel music box the husbear gave me a few months ago. He said it’s just like a jigsaw but I think it’s a lot harder!!!
23 September – A few showers today, check out this gorgeous rainbow. You know how they say there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow – well this one looked like it was at McDonald’s, maybe there’s some truth to it, coz I’m sure the franchisee is sitting on a pot of gold!
24 September – A typical Saturday: washing, grocery shopping, mowing …
25 September – The husbear and I went on a fun shopping date, and we came home with a gorgeous Mother of the Groom dress for me, AND a new diamond ring (we meant to get one for our anniversary back in May but didn’t find one we liked). How spoilt am I?!!! And to top off such a successful shopping trip, we indulged in Zaraffa’s!
26 September – Somehow I’ve found myself watching Farmer Wants a Wife … not surprising really, seeing as I’m in love with love. It’s like a more family friendly version of Married at First Sight 🙂 .
27 September – Today was the big day, the husbear had his surgery. All went well and I brought him home at about 2.30pm to rest and recover, he’ll be off work for about a week.
28 September – Had a very productive business coaching session, afterwards I bought some ice cream to soothe the husbear’s sore throat (they must have been rough when they intubated him for the op, as that is where he is experiencing the worst pain, something I can really sympathise with as I felt the same when I had my hysterectomy 10 years ago).
29 September – Great morning with my business mastermind group, learning all about mastering Linked In. I post on it about once a week but didn’t really know what I was doing, great to know I have a strategy moving forward!
30 September – How can it be the end of September already?! (In other words, just a regular boring work day and I didn’t know what else to write for today’s entry!)
So that sums up the September that was – what was the highlight for you from my month AND/OR your month?!
Beautiful ring, I’m very happy to hear you found a dress for your son’s wedding, One less worry.