Forgive me dear reader, for I have sinned.
It’s been a whole month since I last posted here on the blog – my last Sentence A Day post in fact!
Have you missed me?!
Perhaps the reasons for my blogging silence will become clear as you read all that happened in July …
1 July – We took the motorhome to Toowoomba and stayed at the Showgrounds, it was bitterly cold and gloomy but we were snug as could be in our van.
2 July – Sunny but still cold today! We visited the cemetery – it’s been one year since my mother-in-law passed, and on Monday it will be the second anniversary of my father-in-law’s passing.
3 July – I made roast lamb for dinner, probably my favourite meal in the whole world!
4 July – I’ve run out of photos for social media for my business (would love it if you followed Front Page SEO on Facebook!). Miss 26 had the day off, so we did a quick li’l photo shoot even though it was raining. The lighting and colours were amazing at least even if we did get a bit wet!
5 July – Thrilled to meet one of my clients in person for the first time, when Maddy visited my BNI meeting.
6 July – Had dinner at our daughter’s place and snuggles with her kitties – this is Lilah 🙂 .
7 July – Had our morning coffee out in the backyard with Fleur for company.
8 July – The husbear and I were on the ferry over to Coochiemudlo Island for the weekend, when somebody called my name … it was a fellow I worked with about 15 years ago! He introduced us to his wife and little girl, and was amazed to hear that our kids were both married as he remembers them as being in primary school!
In the evening we played some Scrabble (and joked that next time we should play strip-Scrabble, LOL) and I started a 500 piece puzzle even though I know I won’t finish it this weekend.
9 July – We binge watched Seinfeld on Netflix. We’ve seen most episodes before but were in the mood for a bit of light-hearted fun.
10 July – Miss 26 has gone quackers – she texted us pics of the three ducklings they’ve just adopted!
11 July – The husbear brought home prawns when he did the grocery shopping, as a special treat for the kitties. It’s about the only way we can get the two cats in the same room LOL.
12 July – A very sad day, as our daughter and her husband have decided to split. She has moved back in with us, and brought the ducklings with her; the other pets (a dog, four cats and five chickens) are staying with her ex for now.
13 July – Still in shock, though the ducklings kept us amused with their antics.
14 July – The husbear and I finished work early and went for a walk on a nearby bush track.
15 July – My Bear made Thai massaman beef curry (yum, his specialty!) for dinner.
16 July – We visited my parents, this is a pic of their front garden. We haven’t told anybody about our daughter yet, it’s still too raw.
17 July – I had an appointment in the city today, afterwards I caught up with the husbear for lunch.
18 July – We kept getting emails about our Covid credit expiring (we were meant to go to Melbourne to see the Harry Potter play for our 30th wedding anniversary in 2020) so we decided to use it up with a holiday. We’re going to Darwin (somewhere we’ve never been) in October … the airfares were pretty much covered!
19 July – It’s my Bear’s birthday so he took the day off! We had a lovely lunch at Wellington Point Farmhouse.
20 July – The husbear has a nasty sore throat and cold symptoms … might be related to sitting outside last night chatting with Miss 26 and drinking red wine til late, especially as he didn’t even have a jumper on! Covid test was negative …
21 July – Although the husbear has tested negative for Covid again, we still couldn’t risk attending our son’s graduation. Apart from anything they are going to Europe next week – the last thing we wanted was to infect them before their holiday. Very disappointing (especially as I’m not the one that’s sick!), but at least we got to live stream the ceremony at home.
22 July – You can tell the husbear is sick, he slept a lot on the couch today.
23 July – Spent some time working on my latest puzzle … and more duckie spam!
24 July – Ha ha love this photo of Fleur on my desk at 5.50pm, I think she’s saying “Mama, it’s time to stop working now!”
25 July – Hmmm now I have a bit of a sore throat …
26 July – The ducklings have been living in the bathroom but they are getting so big, it was time to move them outside. And, I’ve definitely caught the husbear’s bug (and so has our daughter) so I had to miss a seminar this afternoon that I’d been really looking forward to 🙁 .
27 July – Only did a bit of work today as I was feeling unwell, but I’m nowhere near as sick as the husbear has been! Spent some time sitting out in the winter sunshine with Miss 26 (who is having some time off work) and the duckies. Mr 29 and his wife left for their holiday – they are heading for London and then going to Poland, Italy, and cruising the Mediterranean. So jelly!
28 July – Dear friends, commas matter! The husbear went back to work for the first time in a week, I messaged him to pick up a couple of groceries on the way home – milk chocolate and lettuce – when it should have actually been milk, chocolate and lettuce. He was very puzzled that I requested “milk chocolate” as he knows I much prefer dark but being a good and obedient husbear he got what he thought I wanted … LOL.
29 July – Another beautiful weekend on Coochie, we went for a long beach walk. Such glorious winter weather we are having – warm days full of sunshine! (Though I dread to think how hot it’ll be come summer …)
30 July – I did some more on the puzzle I have on the go at our weekender, I almost finished it but try as I might cannot fit the last four pieces. There’s obviously a mistake or two in there somewhere, but it will have to wait til our next visit.
31 July – Lunch meeting with one of my lovely clients. Later in the day, I felt a stabbing pain in my chest … no not a heart attack, the underwire in my bra had broken! Such a shame, it was my favourite bra.
Now at least you might understand why I just haven’t felt up to blogging … there has been a lot going on emotionally for us this past month.
I sincerely hope your July was a lot better than mine!
Denise says
I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter’s news. She seems like such a bright spirit and I hope she will heal with time. My daughter is close to the same age and recently split from her long term partner. It’s so hard as parents to watch them suffer!
Janetti Spaghetti says
Thank you Denise. It came as such a shock but we are learning a lot more now.