Do you know why it’s taken me so long to post this Sentence A Day post for September – nearly two weeks?!
Finding and loading the photos is the most time-consuming part, but this time it was more that I couldn’t think of an opening paragraph or a theme to tie everything together.
So here you go, a bit of a brain-and-photo-dump hodge-podge from September 2024!
1 September – A lovely Sunday for the first day of spring, the temperature was 28 degrees – that’s more like summer than spring!
2 September – We bought tickets to see Joe Camilleri and The Black Sorrows live later this month – if you’ve never heard of them, they were an Aussie pub band that had some big hits in the 80’s and 90’s including “Chained to the Wheel”, “Harley and Rose”, “Hold onto Me” and “Never Let Me Go”. “Shape I’m In” was a hit with his previous band, Jo Jo Zep and the Falcons.
3 September – Our fridge is playing up again, as I discovered when I made a coffee and the milk – which was still in date – curdled! It’s nearly 20 years old and the husbear has already fixed it once so looks like we’re up for a new fridge.
4 September – Out and about for meetings for work so I snapped a selfie in the car 🙂 .
5 September – Met up with a friend for coffee in the morning and was EXTREMELY tempted by these Biscoff scrolls! But – I don’t want to spike my blood sugar so I contented myself with admiring from afar. After work we went shopping for a new fridge. I’ve long wanted one with a modern stainless steel door, but could never rationalise getting rid of the one we had when it was working just fine.
6 September – New fridge delivered!
7 September – We spent the weekend in Stanthorpe with the husbear’s aunt. Had a lovely cooked breakfast at Aratula on the way. Auntie has sold the farm (they used to grow apples and stone fruit) and moved to a house “in town” – it’s in a lovely spot, overlooking Quart Pot Creek. We went for a walk along the creek and also visited a cousin and his family.
8 September – I’ve never seen the big thermometer in Stanthorpe – the one they often show on the TV weather during cold snaps, as Stanthorpe tends to be the coldest spot in Queensland and the most likely to receive snow (every few years)! So we made a point of doing the tourist thing before heading back home. No chance of snow today though – it was 21 degrees!
9 September – The husbear made a delicious stew for dinner, he’s really expanding his repertoire!
10 September – We went out for dinner as it is our daughter-in-law’s birthday this week. Her pizza came with a sparkler on it!
11 September – It was my turn to do the feature presentation at BNI, I gave some case studies of how SEO has helped boost website traffic, clients and profitability for a couple of my customers. This was followed by several meetings, so quite a busy day! (I try to schedule most of my meetings and Zoom calls for the middle of the week).
12 September – Off the back of one of those meetings, I signed up a new client, hooray!
13 September – My sister had a cataract removed, so I picked her up from the hospital and stayed at her place overnight. Enjoyed catching up with her and her pooch, Willow.
14 September – I joined the husbear, his cousin and dog Bailey, who were staying at our beach shack on Coochiemudlo Island. We went for a long beach walk. (It wasn’t until the next day that we realised dogs aren’t allowed off-leash! Whoops. Could have been an expensive fine.)
15 September – A bit of bubble fun at Coochie before we headed home.
16 September – It’s always hard to come back to “real life” after spending time on the island, and we both had Monday morning-itis, so we spontaneously decided to go back to Coochie and work from there! Took a long lunch break so we could take a beach walk 🙂 .
17 September – Back in my home office. Check out the selfie I took!
18 September – I think this pigeon has a nest higher up in the tree!
19 September – The Queensland Small Business Hub offers free appointments at our local library about once a month, so I’d booked in. After all the price was right! I wasn’t really expecting much but I found that 30 minute appointment incredibly valuable as they referred to a heap of other services and program that can help me grow my business.
20 September –
21 September – Saturday, so the husbear and I went on a spontaneous shopping trip to Loganholme – and I’m so glad we did! I came home with two new dresses, and two tops – including this one.
22 September – I did some grocery shopping. Fleur “helped” with the unpacking 😉 .
23 September – We took our SUV into the mechanic for repairs. I nearly had an accident on the way home – was turning right when a ute pulled out from the driveway across from me, the two young tradies then proceeded to shout abuse and gesticulate wildly. Umm, excuse me, but I HAD RIGHT OF WAY as I was on the road and they were in a private driveway! What they hadn’t counted on was that the husbear was following me and pulled up at the lights next to them and proceed to give them a gob-full back!!!!!!!
24 September –
25 September – Started the day at my BNI meeting – my last week as VP! From next week I’m taking the Secretary/Treasurer spot.
26 September – Went to see Joe Camilleri and the Black Sorrows … something we’ve always wanted to do, seeing as how we’re related and everything!!!! (My in-laws always said that but nobody could ever explain the connection to me ?). After the show we decided to be “groupies” and hung around the backstage door, in the rain, just to get a pic. The husbear and Joe even share a middle name as well as a surname!!!!
27 September –
28 September – A friend and I went to the new hotel and casino in Brisbane, Queen’s Wharf. It was blowing a gale but we still checked out the view from the Skydeck and I was brave enough to step out onto the glass floor! Afterwards, we walked across the new bridge to Chocolate Elements at South Brisbane, where we indulged in a very special hot chocolate known as a “hug in a mug” 🙂 .
29 September – I caught up on some mending.
30 September – Finished my latest jigsaw puzzle.
Now over to you – because I struggled to find a theme for this post, I’d love to hear what YOU think this September Sentence A Day post was all about?!!