Welcome to another behind the scenes look into the life of Janetti Spaghetti!
Here’s what I got up to in May 2023 … lots of special moments with flowers and cake, seaside and sunsets!
1 May – It’s a public holiday for Labour Day so for fun I made a cake … whoops might have accidentally put too much food colouring in the icing! Couldn’t get away from work completely, ended up filling out a grant application.
2 May – Great session with my business coach. It’s been a tough year so far after losing my right hand woman π but slowly starting to pick up the pieces again. I took a “fashun” pic afterwards!
3 May – Back to back meetings today! So my Bear spoilt us by picking up some Subway for dinner.
4 May – I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here on the blog before, but my hands and wrists have been quite sore for several months now with suspected tendonitis. Today was no exception. Really must do something about it.
5 May – Our 33rd wedding anniversary! My Bear spoiled me with flowers and then we went for dinner at The Court House restaurant, where we had our wedding reception π .
6 May – Turns out our daughter-in-law is a bit of royalist too (hubby has long joked that if there is something on TV about Ancient Egypt or the Royals, he changes the channel at his own peril), and hosted a little soiree for King Charles’ coronation.
7 May – Ahhhh a lazy Sunday, look at Sethie snoozing on the deck. Ha! Who am I kidding, we both worked.
8 May – Mopey old Monday. Really missing Lisa, both personally and professionally.
9 May – Looks like Sophie de la Snuggles has claimed the tiara that I wore to the Coronation party on the weekend!
10 May – In the evening I presented a workshop for small business owners on how to come up top in Google.

11 May – Hubby was working from home and we were listening to some music when our “wedding song” came on (Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship) so we got up and slow danced together!
12 May – Our firstborn turned 29! Nowadays he has a wife to spoil him on his birthday π so we will catch up in a couple of days’ time. I knocked off early as my BNI group was hosting a social outing – Barefoot Bowls, which I’d never tried before. Let’s just put it this way – my maternal grandparents were both mad lawn bowls enthusiasts, and it doesn’t look like they passed those genes on to me LOL.
13 May – Yesterday also happened to be my Dad’s 80th birthday (how clever was I, presenting him with his first grandchild on his 51st birthday!). There was meant to be a big party today but due to his recent ill health and hospital stay, it’s been postponed til June; so instead we visited him for a birthday afternoon tea.
14 May – Mother’s Day! I got to see all of my kidults – Miss 26 and her husband came for lunch, and Mr 29 and his wife for dinner. The husbear did the cooking, and I was spoiled with flowers, chocolates, and a novel with a title that had me laughing out loud!
15 May – The husbear did the grocery shopping after work and returned with a warm fuzzy for me – a magazine π . He sure know the way to my heart!
16 May –
17 May – Great news! I got the grant that I applied for – it will pay for a HR specialist to set up my systems properly, which is just as well because I think I will need to add to my team sooner rather than later. I’m struggling to keep up with demand lately (also a sign I need to put my prices up!).
18 May – After work we bought some compression bandages and an ergonomic keyboard to help support my poor tired wrists. This wasn’t the keyboard we bought … oh, and GOOD LUCK finding a left handed ergonomic mouse!!!!! Although I’m right handed I trained myself to use a mouse left handed several years ago when I had bursitis in my right shoulder
19 May – One of my goals this year is to get over to our island weekender more often, and even work from there sometimes – so today we caught the ferry early and did just that. It did make it easier for me to switch off at the end of the day – at 5pm I knocked off which NEVER happens at home! We relaxed with a campfire, dinner and wine after dark.
20 May – A lovely relaxing day, including a beach walk; in the evening we amused ourselves playing Scrabble, and joking that next time we will make it “Strip Scrabble” ie having to remove a piece of clothing each time we put down a word worth less than 10 points! π
21 May – We headed back to the mainland and home right on sunset, so beautiful …
22 May – A session with my business coach.Β Her office is right on the harbour so I couldn’t resist a quick selfie after π
23 May – Today I hosted the monthly “Hot Seat” in our DIY SEO program, where I interview one member and then we go through their website looking for ways to improve their visibility in Google and Co.
24 May – It was my turn to give the feature presentation at BNI, so I asked a couple of visitors along – very proud that one of them just happened to be our son! We went out for sushi for dinner and were served by a robot for the very first time! I loved it’s smiley cat-like face.
25 May – I visited another BNI group today, it was closer to home but I still think my chapter is the best π . As the husbear was working from home we stopped for a cuppa outside and Seth snuggled up π .
26 May – There’s been a lot of smoke around, due to burning off bushland before fire season. Unfortunately I ended up having to finish work early as I was sneezing my head off with a violent dose of hay fever.
27 May – The husbear and I went shopping and I came home with a tracksuit, some PJs, bedsocks and a pair of jeans π .
28 May – A lovely visit at our daughter’s. I brought some grapes as a treat to handfeed the chooks – as you can see, they were very happy with me!
29 May – One of the benefits of working from home is that I can work a tracksuit and slippers to work if I want (no meetings today!) … so that’s exactly what I did! It was really cold but I was snug as a bug in a rug π .
30 May – The husbear texted me a photo of the stunning sunset as he was waiting to catch the train home, so I went outside and took one to send back to him, but mine wasn’t half as impressive – there must have been more smoke where he was to create such beautiful colours.
31 May – Up early for my weekly BNI meeting, and just had to take a photo of the amazing sunrise just before I left.
Now it’s your turn – can you describe your experiences of May 2023 in half a dozen words or less?!