Sitting on the lawn outside, I struggled to get back to my feet.
“Ugh, I’m getting old!” I groaned.
It started out as a bit of a joke, but somehow, it became my go-to phrase whenever I felt any stiffness or soreness, or if my mind wasn’t as quick as it once was (mental arithmetic anyone?!), or I had to reach for my glasses to see anything close up, or … any of those things that we associate with ageing.
But then came the realisation. I really needed to stop saying, “I’m getting old!”
I’m not sure that I believe in “speaking things into existence”.
But what I do know is that by repeating this short sentence on a regular basis, I was actually hard wiring it into the neural pathways in my brain. And I decided it wasn’t a message I wanted to reinforce – because nothing holds more power over our body, than the beliefs of our mind.
I’m not denying that I’m getting older; it’s the natural way of things. But I certainly don’t want to hurry it along!
In many ways I’m one of the lucky ones. I’m genetically blessed and have always looked younger than my years. Of course in my teens it was more of a curse than a blessing 😉 . I could never get away with going to nightclubs when I was underage, with my baby face. How it used to irk me!
I’m the eldest of three girls (and a boy) and once we were all in our teens, people regularly thought I was the youngest sister. That made me about five years younger than my actual age.
These days people still think I’m at least five years younger than I really am, but I’m not complaining – unlike when I was in my teens or twenties. Now, it’s a compliment!.
When it comes to getting older, I want to age well. I want to take care of myself – body, mind and soul – so I can enjoy life for as long as I’m on this planet.
I love this quote from a Brisbane psychologist: “While we all age, the rate of ageing and our sense of health and wellbeing is under our control.”
It’s part of the reason I work out with a personal trainer. “Use it or lose it” as the saying goes, and I’d already noticed that my body wasn’t as resilient as it once was. If I slave too many hours over a hot computer, my neck and shoulders sure let me know about it!
When we first moved into this house a couple of years ago, we were sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I wasn’t concerned as it was something I’d done many times over the years – but all of a sudden it seemed a mighty effort to get up if I needed the loo during the night.
Then there was the time I went roller skating with the kids, and was looking forward to impressing them with my skills. Ha! More than twenty years without skating meant that I struggled to keep my balance, just like a newbie – but with a whole new fear of falling and doing myself damage (don’t remember that when I was a young ‘un!).
Little things like these made me realise that freedom of movement wasn’t something I could take for granted any longer.
It was part of the reason I started working with my wonderful personal trainer. Nothing to do with ‘fitspo’ or even losing weight (though I wouldn’t mind if that eventuated LOL) – rather, I realised that it’s a case of “USE IT OR LOSE IT”.
For me, it’s more about being healthy, strong, flexible, fit, and having a good sense of balance. When the grandkids eventually come along, I want to be fit and active enough to enjoy them!
As you can see in the pics in this post, I was playing around with the Face App recently to see what I am going to look like as I age. And I have to say, the ‘old’ me doesn’t look too bad. The thing that really stands out to me is that I look happy and I look kind.
Which is exactly what I want to be no matter what age I am!
Go on admit it – have you ever fallen into the trap of groaning that you’re getting old?!
Tanya says
I read an old blog of yours about finding a mother of the bride dress. Feel little cheated that we didn’t get to see your final choice…or maybe I missed it.
I so agree with you about “getting old” in fact I recently started riding a bike daily so I never forget how !
Cheers for a great blog…& a pic from your mother if the bride result would definitely be welcomed ?
Janetti Spaghetti says
Alas, we are are still waiting for the happy day to take place – damn Covid!!! Should be able to share pics with you in about a month x