What do you do when it’s gone 9pm on a Sunday night, and you just KNOW that if you don’t have a fresh blog post published in the morning, your adoring public kidults will be cross?!
You write a post about WHY you haven’t managed to get a blog post done, that’s what! I bet you never thought of just how many obstacles to blogging there can be – unless you’re a blogger too and have firsthand experience.
So today’s post is a bit like the modern day version of “The dog ate my homework miss!” … though of course in my case it’s more likely to be the cat 😉 .
1 – I read a book titled “642 Tiny Things to Write About” (see photo above) but nothing really jumped out at me.
2 – My wrists are sore from tendonitis, and typing aggravates it 🙁 .
3 – Miss Fleur would rather I give her pats and wuv, and sits on the keyboard or the mouse which makes it a tad difficult to write a post.
4 – When I’m at my computer I get distracted by all the emails in my inbox.
5 – I’d rather spend time just hanging out with the husbear. Anybody’d think I’d be sick of him after nearly 35 years together! 😉 .
6 – I was busy socialising today – a Chinese banquet to celebrate a friend’s birthday!
7 – And then I did an online grocery shop.
8 – I guess I could have written a blog post earlier this morning but I wasn’t going to give up my sleep in. Priorities people!
9 – I didn’t do it on Saturday, because I try to have at least one day offline on the weekend (it’s important to maintain boundaries when you work from home!).
10 – Plus, weekends are meant to be for RELAXING so I spent some quality time on the couch, watching shows like House Hunter and Escape to the Country (love my house shows!).
11 – The reason I didn’t do it earlier in the week? Um this little thing called WORK. Sorry kids, paid work comes first!
12 – And after work? My brain is too fried!
13 – I didn’t really have a rant or rave just waiting to be unleashed in a blog post …
14 – I did *think* of writing about my first date or dating history, but there are some things I think are best left buried in the past LOL.
15 – It’s too cold (true story – I heard that this past week has been the coldest in ten years!).
16 – I had to wash my hair.
17 – It’s a full moon!
18 – That mountain of washing in the corner of my bedroom isn’t going to fold itself. (And I’m not going to fold it either. Well not tonight anyway!)
19 – The husbear and I had a deep and meaningful about life, the universe, and stuff.
20 – Sometimes sitting at my computer on the weekend just feels too much like work (even if it’s just for fun).
21 – The weather was so beautiful and sunny today it seemed criminal to stay inside, chained to the computer.
22 – There are so many other demands on my leisure time … finishing my Mother’s Day painting, starting my Mother’s Day jigsaw puzzle, reading, nanna naps 🙂 .
23 – The chocolate in the fridge is calling me …
When I think about it now, it’s a wonder I get any blog posts written at all!
What’s your excuse?! 😉