Yes, I’m jumping on the “one little word” bandwagon again for 2022. This will be the fifth time!
Psssttt ….Wanna catch up on previous years? You can read more here:
- 2018 – breathe (and a wrap up at the end of the year)
- 2019 – colour (and the end of year report)
- 2020 – blossom
- 2021 – prosper
If you read my last “Sentence A Day” post, you will already know that my one “little” word is:
That’s not a little word. That’s a HUGE word! Pressure, much?!!!!!
Seriously though, as women I think we are scared to own our awesomeness, in whatever field it may be. We don’t want to be a bragger so we shy away from it.
It’s not about being a “Billy Big Noter”. It’s more about being secure in the knowledge that I’m okay. Actually, I’m better than okay!
So how did I come up with such a big, bold, word for the year?
At my last group coaching session for 2021, our business coach asked us to think about how we wanted to feel at the end of 2022 (about our businesses).
And straight away I knew: TRIUMPHANT.
It’s a bit scary to be perfectly honest.
But having been on this business coaching journey for the past couple of years, I say BRING IT ON. That’s because I know that even if I don’t achieve everything I set out to, I will make incredible strides in the next 12 months.
At the beginning of 2021 for example, I set a goal for turnover and profit which seemed pretty big and scary at the time … but guess what?
So yeah, I’m gonna be triumphant in business this year 😉 .
But what about the rest of my life? What does triumphant look like, I wonder?
What does triumphant even mean?!
- Triumphant – winning and victorious.
- Triumphant – leading the way.
- Triumphant – a smile on my face and in my heart.
- Triumphant – healthy self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Triumphant – not getting dragged down by trivial, negative rubbish (gossip, the media catastrophising everything).
- Triumphant – a boost to my energy.
- Triumphant – feeling good and doing good.
- Triumphant – ready to take on new challenges, secure in the knowledge that even if I don’t succeed, I’ll grow and learn.
- Triumphant – encouraging and inspiring others that they can do it, too!
Being triumphant to me is about celebrating all the blessings in my life: the husbear and our happy marriage, my kids and their lovely partners, family and friends, good health, nice home, the husbear in a job he enjoys, financial security, being able to help others, and much more.
In particular, my goal in 2022 is to create a better work/life balance – it’s a bit out of whack at the moment.
Much as I love it, my business is a bit all consuming and stressful, as businesses often are in the early days. Although I’ve been working from home for 9 years, it’s really only been in the last year or so that it has gone from a “job” to a true “business” – and it’s jolly hard work!
But there is a method to my madness: I’m looking forward to developing my systems, processes, and team members to the point where I can stop working weekends and evenings. To have a profitable business – but also to be able to actually hang with Miss 25 when she has an RDO, or watch a movie with Mr 27 on the weekends.

By the end of this year, I’d like to be able to step away from my computer altogether on the weekends, and spend more quality time with the husbear.
That’s what triumphant looks like to me.
That’s what I want 2022 to be.
What’s your one little word for the year?!