Before I go any further I should probably warn my kidults – I don’t know if this is suitable for you two to read 😉 .
I was looking at the husbear the other day and thinking how I am still physically attracted to him. Yes, after more than 35 years together, and 33 years of marriage!

As a young ‘un, I always hoped that I would meet and marry somebody very special. I dreamed that we would end up as one of those sweet old couples, still madly in love and holding hands after decades together.
While we’re not quite ready for aged care, I’m happy to report we are well on our way to fulfilling my youthful dreams 😉 .
There was definitely a physical attraction the moment we met.
I have vivid memories of his gorgeous brown eyes and sweet smile; he tells me that he was rather taken with the cute and smiley blonde that walked into his section at work.

Physical attraction is a no-brainer when you get together; because otherwise, well, you just wouldn’t, would you?
And while I know physical attraction isn’t the be-all and end-all of a relationship, it is definitely important.
But does physical attraction last?
What happens when you both get older, wrinklier, saggier, fatter, greyer and all the rest of it?!
I can’t speak for anybody else, but I definitely still think my Bear is HAWT!

Some of the things I find attractive about him might sound a bit weird, but here goes (in no particular order) …
- His gorgeous brown eyes.
- He has elegant hands – long slender fingers, just the right amount of hair on the back, and his nails are always short and clean. The icing on the cake? That he wears a wedding ring that proudly announces to all and sundry that he is MINE and I find that incredibly sexy!
- I also like looking at his forearms, especially when he is dressed for work as he often rolls up the sleeves of his business shirt.
- And, while he might not be thrilled with the fact he is going grey at the temples, I think it makes him look distinguished and more handsome than ever!
- I think his lips are perfect – and very kissable! They are just the right shape and have a lovely colour (whereas mine tend to look washed out when I’m not wearing lipstick).
- I know that the fashion is for sculpted and waxed male physiques, but it’s not my cup of tea. My Bear has a hairy chest – and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
- He has muscly, well shaped legs.
- And I still melt when he smiles at me!
There’s plenty more … but I’m sure that’s enough to give you a good idea 😉 .

Of course, physical attraction is only part of a happy marriage. He’s not just handsome, he has lots of amazing qualities – and I still pinch myself regularly that I have been so lucky in love and marriage.
What attracted you physically to your partner when you first met?!