They say that our lives go in seven year cycles, and there have certainly been times when it has been true for me.
Consider the following chapters of my life:
- I went to the same youth group and church for 7 years, from the age of 16 (until I got married at 23 and shifted to the other side of town);
- I was a stay-at-home mum for 7 years;
- worked in my last job for 7 years;
- ran Footprints magazine for 14 years (2 x 7 so that still counts!);
- after 7 years running my business Front Page Web Writing as a solopreneur, I am now growing my team – and also rebranding as Front Page SEO, to more accurately reflect the type of work I specialise in.
- and, I’ve been blogging as the Middle Aged Mama for 7 years.
Yes, this time seven years ago I started Middle Aged Mama.
At the time, I was in my forties (so firmly in middle aged territory) and had two teenagers still at home, which meant that being a mama was a huge part of my identity.
I wanted to proudly fly the banner for middle aged women everywhere, and show that we aren’t ready to be put out to pasture … That this is a stage of life that comes with plenty of opportunities and joys, in addition to the middle aged moanings that tend to be much more common!
But … it’s time.
Time for a change.
Don’t worry, I’m still gonna blog! It’s almost as necessary to my health and wellbeing as, well, breathing LOL.
But I’m ready to blog as ME.
Not as a representative of a particular age group, or in a particular niche. Just me, talking to you, about whatever happens to take my fancy. And despite my ‘day job’ as an SEO specialist, I don’t particularly care if it doesn’t rank my personal musings highly in Google and the like. So long as my readers continue to enjoy it.
I even have a new blog name ready: Janetti Spaghetti. Do you like it? Once again, it’s based on a nickname given to me by my (now fully grown) kids. It beautifully expresses so much about me:
- my first name: Janet;
- my surname: I’m married to a man of Italian/Maltese descent;
- the fact that I make an awesome spaghetti;
- and it’s a bit fun!
I’m thinking that I will keep Middle Aged Mama live, and may even post here occasionally. But in the main, I’m thinking it’s time for something new.
The wheels are in motion, and I’ll let you know once it’s ready to rock and roll!
Will you come follow me at!