With our son and our daughter both recently having returned from jaunts to Europe, it’s probably no surprise that holidays (for my American friends: vacations) are on my mind.

Mind you, the husbear and I had a short break ourselves in early July, on a 3 day comedy cruise.
No destination as such – just cruising up and down the east coast of Australia, enjoying the fresh ocean breezes and lots of laughs courtesy of half a dozen comedians (I highly recommend it, especially for business owners like me who have trouble getting away from work for a more leisurely break!).

And in May, we spent a week in far north Queensland – a couple of days in a hotel on the Esplanade on Cairns (where I attended a conference) followed by several days in a self-contained apartment in the middle of Port Douglas.

As I write this however we have no real future holiday plans, bleughhhh. Must do something about that so we have something to look forward to!

We have a vague idea of doing “something special” for our 35th wedding anniversary which will be in May 2025 but nothing concrete.

Regular readers here at Janetti Spaghetti would be aware that we often run away to our island getaway for a weekend break, and a big part of the appeal is that I get to have the husbear ALL TO MYSELF.

Yup, I’m selfish. I don’t like sharing him, and it seems when we are home there are just so many demands on his time.
Obviously my love language is quality time, LOL.

The other thing I love about our weekends at Coochiemudlo Island is that we don’t feel pressured to do washing, cleaning, cooking, and the thousand and one other things that always seem to be screaming for our attention at home. I can also find it hard to switch off from work mode, because my office is at home.

So my ideal holiday is not so much about the destination – it’s more about just me and him, enjoying each other’s company. It might be at our beach shack on Coochie, or in a caravan touring the outback, staying in an apartment down the Coast, a cruise, a weekend in a city hotel, or visiting another country – so long as it’s just me and him.

But I’ve noticed that a lot of couples our age tend to holiday with friends – the more people the merrier, I guess.
I’ve been away on girls’ weekends, and even a South Pacific cruise with some girl friends about 10 years ago. When the kids were young we went on a couple of camping holidays with other families.

But holidaying with a group pretty much every time we go away, isn’t something that particularly appeals to us.

Maybe it’s because we don’t really have any “couple” friends. It’s pretty rare to find another couple that you both really get along with. The wives might be besties, the husbands not so much; and vice versa. Plus we have a lot of friends, male and female, that are on their own (so I know I’m blessed to have a honey husband to holiday with).

I’m not saying there’s a right way or a wrong way to holiday, I just noticed that lots of folk seem to go away in a group and that to me kinda defeats the idea of a holiday!
At heart I think both the husbear and I are introverts, so we really like alone time – albeit with each other – to recharge.

How about you? How do you like to holiday?!